Dimakatso Sedite
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Yellow Shade
R140.00Dimakatso Sedite
Yellow Shade evokes the stark textures of township and rural community life: the beauty and passion, the cruelty and humour, the noise, music and stillness. Sedite’s poems are constructed from unpredictable images – ‘a rain-sniffing wind’, ‘the knuckles of chairs’, a cupboard ‘wailing like a dog left alone in a garage’ – in a gritty language entirely her own.
An emotionally powerful, richly allusive poet speaking the language of pictures rather than overt narrative. Sometimes the concentration and sudden divergence of images make a given poem obscure… I’m reminded of harsh, rich, crowded brush strokes […] Themes of death, betrayal, illness, abuse. Builds the commonplace textures, colours, smells of township and rural life into complex, sophisticated images of feeling and being. Underlying a sense of bitterness, despair, loss in her image-crammed world. Occasionally hope emerges, either randomly, or through the liberating power of creative work.
– Ken Barris
The Hurricurrent
R120.00Rosamund Stanford
The Hurricurrent is a book of unusual forms, surprising images, simple yet sophisticated language, encompassing doubt and humour.
The Hurricurrent has a profound sense of lived-ness about it; of being felt and heard and experienced along the bone. It also has a unique quality in SA poetry of gently and naturally combining a local flavour and local voice with what one might call a more metaphysical voice, a voice concerned with giving the interior its rightful shape and sound.
– Kobus Moolman
There is a definite, inventive, audible voice in The Hurricurrent, which takes strength and originality from its precarious balance in the world, a voice constantly unlearning the ways we are taught to see, but also one capable of laying down two solid feet without losing a quirky, laughter-edged, unflinching note.– Denis Hirson